Saturday, October 15, 2011

Ride the Ducks

today has been an incredible saturday.

wake up without an alarm
stay in bed and watch a movie
delicious coffee and letter writing
meeting my roommate's dad and stepmom
hanging out downtown at pikes place market
piroshky piroshky
great conversation with the owner of thailand junkie
riding the ducks
observing occupy wall street, seattle style

now, let me explain "ride the ducks," the number one tour in seattle. this is the ultimate tourist experience. and therefore generally the desire to experience the ducks in all their wonder as a seattle-ite (if i'm even allowed to call myself that) is looked down upon. the visit from tamura's family was the exact excuse we needed to take a duck tour. and my was it worth it. an hour and a half of exploring all the quirky, fabulous things seattle has to offer, by land and by sea (lake actually). the cheesy jokes, loud music, and laughter were endless. people on the street danced and sang with us as we sat stuck downtown due to the occupy seattle protest/rally. there is nothing more fabulous than dancing to the ymca song with a bunch of strangers and people holding signs and making a political statement. the ridiculousness of it all was what made it so inspiring. it was all i hoped for and more.

tamura and i on the duck, gasworks behind us

gasworks, lake union, and the aurora bridge

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