Tuesday, November 15, 2011

School lunch

I am saddened as I read this article. How can we say with a clean conscience that the tomato paste on pizza is a vegetable? How can we serve french fries every day and expect kids to make healthier choices? Of course a 3rd grader (and a 12th grader for that matter) is going to choose french fries and pizza over a salad and pasta. But what if the french fries and pizza weren't an option? What if they were given healthy options from which to choose, instead of whole grains and salad versus fat and sugar? Children would have the opportunity to make a choice between multiple healthy foods and would learn how to eat well and take care of their bodies. It only makes sense to provide children with healthy food that tastes good. In my opinion, the future of our country depends on it. Not to mention the health of our children, who should be the most important thing to us. It breaks my heart that children are fed foods that are bad for them yet labeled "healthy" all for the sake of money and politics. Access to food is a basic human right. Why can't we treat our kids better? What have they done to deserve diabetes and obesity?

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