Monday, December 12, 2011

my friend Tim

Tim is a beautiful soul. He is a neighbor who has befriended me and I him over the past year here in Fremont. Tim stands outside our neighborhood grocery store, mostly at night, no matter the bitterness of the weather. Sometimes he asks for money and other times he just says hello. He has made my day more than once. Tim loves to read and has a desire to return to school. He has a compassionate heart, as I witnessed when he saved a sick and broken bird, fed it, and kept it warm saying everyone deserved a chance at life because God created and cares for even this little bird. For a while, I had thought that Tim had forgotten me and the conversations we've had. And then the other night, he surprised me. As I smiled at him and continued on toward the grocery store door he said, "You cut your hair." I turned back, a smile on my face, and said yes I had. He said four words that said "I see you, I notice you, I remember you." I walked around the store wondering what I could give him as he stood out in the cold. I ended up walking out after making my purchases and handing him a turkey, ham, and avocado sandwich and the dollar I had in my wallet. "It's not much" I said. And he replied that a sandwich was just what he needed. What a beautiful man. He is a constant reminder to me to be in the moment, noticing the needs and offerings of those around me.

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