Sunday, April 3, 2011


The above picture is a pensieve from Harry Potter. A pensieve is a basin of swirling silver clouds that has the ability to hold a person's thoughts and memories. Once you remove these memories from your mind and transfer them to the pensieve, your mind is free of them. You may revisit these memories as you wish but the pensieve holds the burden of them for you.

A week and half ago, after a particularly hard day and during a particularly overwhelming week I mentioned to my roommate that I wished I had a pensieve. I had too much going on in my head and I just wanted some relief from it all. I wanted to remove my thoughts and come back to them later.

And then I realized that she was my pensieve that night. I sat on my bed and let my thoughts flood out and she graciously listened and held my thoughts for me. She was my real live pensieve. And the more I think about it the more I appreciate the people in my life who serve as my pensieve, and the more I want to be that for the people in my life. Because let's face it, we all need a pensieve every once in awhile.

1 comment:

  1. oh pensieve. how beautiful.
    "you've got a pensieve in me."
    and that's a promise. :)
